Traditional Insurance Made Affordable
Many DBA clients come to us with a common challenge: administration fees with some carriers are more than what they can handle. With our Administrative Services Only (ASO) solutions, known otherwise as self-insurance, we help you provide the ideal coverage for your employees and their families while making your plan more affordable. Leaving the administrative duties to our experienced and well-connected team means enjoying a reduced rate by saving on administrative and inflation costs. We work exhaustively to find the best options available to you based on your budget, policy requirements and unique circumstances.
Alternative Funding, No Compromises
Our philosophy is always to reduce the administration fees paid to the group insurance carriers while offering our clients better coverage. The more our clients save without sacrificing the effectiveness and suitability of their coverage, the happier we are. We make it possible to implement ASO into lower-risk components of your plan, such as dental coverage, due to their annual limits. Our seamless approach allows our ASO capabilities to be implemented behind the scenes to reduce employee disruption and help you stay on track.
Areas of Application
ASO arrangements are a popular choice among businesses looking to reduce healthcare plan costs. DBA clients have enjoyed the cost-reducing benefits of our ASO solutions in a wide variety of areas including healthcare, dental and vision care as well as short and long-term disability.
Let’s Make Your Plan More Flexible and Affordable
At DBA, we take the time to get to know your business, goals and challenges. Our ASO capabilities allow us to update your plan to better suit your needs and save you money. We’ll help you with deciding on deductibles, which benefits to cover, accommodating personalized plans, and more. We can also arrange for stop loss safeguards from one of our trusted providers to ensure you are protected from any financial repercussions from larger claims. This translates to not only a lower-cost approach to administrative needs, but one that is more adaptable, flexible, and tailored to your specific needs.
Other Ways DBA Can Help
DBA’s ASO solutions make managing plan costs while getting the coverage you need simple.
The relationships we’ve built with our providers allow us to offer more insurance solutions to our clients for less, while our ASO solutions allow you to bypass negotiations.